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✰ 5 trends EVERYONE can wear ✰

This year has been a year of many trends. Some we loved, some we hated. I'm sure we've all had moments in fashion where you wanted to try a trend but you just didn't quite think it would work on your body. Well, I wanted to show you 5 trends I've seen this year (2018) that look good on literally everyone! So even YOU (yes you) can try these lit fall trends!:)

Blazer Dress

The blazer dress is a trend I've been seeing a lot lately that I have wanted to try for so long. I think they're super chic and flattering and make the perfect fall/winter outfit! I personally am insecure about my hips and sometimes I just can't get the hourglass silhouette I desire. But with blazer dressed, it can really help you fake a snatched was it. The way it cinches in at the was it creates the illusion of wider hips. In my opinion this trend in hella versatile as well. When paired with heels it looks so classy and sophisticated. Even when paired with sneakers it looks hella cute. Its an easy way to dress up for the fall season without putting in a ton of effort.

Chunky/Dad Shoes

Now, I know this trend has been very controversial in pop culture. The age of the ugly dad shoe is upon us and I'm all for it. So many companies have jumped on the trend, from Balenciaga, Yeezy, Adidas, and even Target's brand Wild Fable. I've yet to try it myself but I plan on buying some very soon. The best thing with this trend is that it requires no special body type or shape for it to look good on you. Because they're already a kind of awkward, chunky style intentionally, you can't really make them look bad. They look universally good on everyone in my opinion. And because the shoes are made looking somewhat oversized, the proportions look the same on everyone.

Oversized Sweatshirt

The pioneer of this trend has to be, the one, the only, my queen, Ms. Ariana Grande. She walked so we could run lol. This is a trend that I've definitely been partaking in this trend all fall. I love it. It's easy and it's cute. It's flattering on all body types of course which is great. The oversized look looks good on everybody.  You can still be comfortable and look like you put in effort at the same time. It can be dressed up or dressed down. It's perfect. 12/10 would recommend girlies.

Fashion Fanny Packs/ Waist Bags

This year was a big year for the fanny pack. It was a big trend in the 80s and 90s and now its finally back. I feel like this year fanny packs definitely replaced the wear of a purse. At least for me, even as a big purse fan, I 9/10 times will grab my fanny pack over one of my purses. Its so much smaller and portable.  Also when put on your waist and can give that snatched waist look as well. It's versatile, it adds a touch of style to any outfit. I think this is one of my favorite trends this year. Even big luxury designers have hopped onto the trend such as, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Off White, Balenciaga, and Chanel.

Track Pants

The last trend I loved this year was track pants. It really reminded me of the 90s track suit style. I love how it mixes sporty with style. A cute little Sporty Spice-esque moment. They're also really flattering  on all because the cinched in waist creates a nice illusion for the body. Not to mention they're extremely comfortable and super easy to throw on with some sick sneakers.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post and I challenge all of you to try at least one of these trends before the new year!! (and let me know if you d) See you in the next post! follow me on Instagram here to stay updated

- xoxo ♡

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